Honeyland **** / *****
Directed by: Tamara
Kotevska & Ljubomir Stefanov.

is a documentary that simply sits back and observes Hatidze, and eventually the
neighbors, as their conflict slowly grows. Hatidze has been here for years, all
by herself except for her mother – now in her mid-80s, and stuck in bed for
years. She seems relatively happy in her isolated life – either going about her
busy, or taking the hours long walk into the city to sell her honey, and buy
what they need to survive. She views the neighbors suspiciously when they
arrive – but ultimately does want to be friends with them. She bonds with the
kids, and at first the parents. But then the father starts his own honey
business – with honey from breeders. Hatidze tells him to stick by her rule –
take half the honey, and leave the other half. This isn’t just good for him,
but vital for her – if his bees lose all of their honey, they will attack her
bees to take theirs. He, of course, doesn’t listen.
This is a
beautiful film – that opening sequence is breathtaking, but the entire film
looks gorgeous – directors Tamara Kotevska & Ljubomir Stefanov and their
cinematographers seem to have taken some lessons from Terrence Malick about the
best time of day to shoot and much of the film has a beautiful, golden hue to
it. They also smartly start their film with these very quiet sequences – so
when the large, boisterous family eventually does come, it sounds deafening to
those of us in the audience.
Kotevska & Ljubomir Stefanov don’t interfere with anything – we don’t even
hear them ask any questions of Hatidze, although they get some answers out of
her that show some regrets – like when she talks about not having a son to one
of the neighbor’s kids, or complains to her mother that she didn’t agree to
marry her off when she had matchmakers around all those years ago. They also
don’t interfere in other instances – ones that may make you squirm – as the
bees get riled up and sting – not just the adults in the film, but also the
children, who we see swollen at points.
ultimately, Honeyland is a movie about the changing times – the conflict
inherent in capitalism, and the way people use and abuse finite resources until
no one has anything left. It’s also a portrait of a dying way of life – a way
you may not even be aware existed in the first place. And it’s all wrapped up
in a beautiful and stunning package. This is one of the year’s best
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