The Night of the Hunter (1955)
Directed by: Charles
Written by: James
Agee based on the novel by Davis Grubb.
Starring: Robert Mitchum (Harry
Powell), Shelley Winters (Willa Harper), Lillian Gish (Rachel Cooper), James
Gleason (Uncle Birdie Steptoe), Evelyn Varden (Icey Spoon), Peter Graves (Ben
Harper), Don Beddoe (Walt Spoon), Billy Chapin (John Harper), Sally Jane Bruce
(Pearl Harper), Gloria Castillo (Ruby).

The film
stars Robert Mitchum in his greatest performance – really one of the great
performances of all time – as Harry Powell, a false prophet. He is a preacher,
with Love and Hate tattooed on his hands, and talks a good game about God, the
Bible and Holiness – which is all just an act, of course – a ruse to allow him
to close to people, who would never expect a man of God to be this evil. His
M.O. is to seduce and abandoned wealthy widows – making off with their money,
and leaving their bodies behind. Early in the film he is arrested – not for
anything major – and while in jail, he hears his cellmate talk about the
robbery and murder he committed – he got away with $10,000 and no one knows
where it is. No one, except his kids, of course. Once out of jail, Powell puts
on his Preacher act to seduce the newly widowed Willa (Shelley Winters) – whose
husband was that man, who has now been hanged. He then terrorizes her two small
child – Jon and Pearl (Billy Chapin and Sally Jane Bruce) – who eventually have
to travel up river in a makeshift boat, with him on their tail.
The film
is a horror film – it can be truly scary in its second half, as the children
travel upriver by night, sometimes hearing Powell behind them – or seeing his
shadow off in the distance. No one has used shadows as effectively as Laughton
does here, who makes them ominous, foreboding and bold. And yet, the film is
also beautiful – sometimes even in its most horrific images, like the shot
beneath the water of Willa’s final resting place. Laughton has constructed a
nightmare here – but a beautiful one. And, of course, an American one.
I’m not
sure any film has ever quite captured America’s obsession with religion quite
like this film has – how American have embraced it so fully, and yet are so
full of hypocrisy on it – the “Holiest” among them often the biggest sinners.
Powell is a uniquely American character – the violent psychopath, hiding behind
the cloak of religion. Yet, that makes the film sound like an even bleaker
portrait of America than it really is. Because if Powell is uniquely American, then
so too is Rachel Cooper (the great Lillian Gish) – an older woman who takes in
lost children, and gives them a home. Her religion isn’t phony like Powell’s is
– she feels it down to her bones. Laughton wanted Gish precisely because she
reached all the way to the silent era – and she had that stature that would
make you sit up a recognize her authority. There are a lot of silent movie
influences on The Night of the Hunter – German Expressionism is certainly part
of that – you can see Murnau in many of the compositions – but so too is the
likes of D.W. Griffith – and American mythmaking.
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