The Hours and Times (1991)
Directed by: Christopher
Written by: Christopher
Starring: David Angus (Brian
Epstein), Ian Hart (John Lennon), Stephanie Pack (Marianne), Robin McDonald (Quinones),
Sergio Moreno (Miguel), Unity Grimwood (Mother).

The film
is about the trip to Spain that Brian Epstein and John Lennon took to Spain
right before The Beatles exploded and became the biggest band in the world. The
two couldn’t be any more different then they are – Lennon a working class guy,
a womanizer, etc. – and Epstein is more refined, more upper class, and gay. The
two of them talk, they “flirt” a little bit, talk about their lives. John says
he doesn’t want to have sex with Brian – worries about people thinking they
have slept together. Brian tries to talk to John about his marriage – but John
doesn’t want to. They go to a gay bar – meet and flirt a little more, with
another man there. There is a woman who John invites up to the room - prompting
Brian to walk out in a huff. Brian remembers a moment when he took John to his
“special” place in England – the roof of his parent’s apartment. The pair sit
on the bench together, and Brian tries to get John to agree to come back here
10 years from now.
than the fact that Epstein and Lennon took this trip together, not much is
really known about it. The film may flirt with the idea that these two will
sleep together – that there is a sexual connection here, but it’s not really
about that. It is a haunting film in many ways – especially late when Brian
tries to get John to agree to come back here in 10 years. What neither
character knows, but we do – is that in 10 years Epstein will be dead, and The
Beatles will be no more – with Lennon also on the clock before his own death.
The Hours and Times is the right name for this movie. Even if the film only
runs 56 minutes, you feel that time go by – you feel those “hours” as it were.
But this is about more than those hours – it is about these two men, their
connection, and their lives.
The performances
are both quite good. Ian Hart would go onto to play Lennon again – in a more
traditional biopic Backbeat in 1994, about an early Beatles tour in Germany. He
captures the cadence of Lennon’s voice, his mannerisms. You don’t have trouble
believing him as Lennon. David Angus hasn’t really stuck with acting – he only
has five total acting credits, only two since The Hours and Times – but he
really is the heart of the film. While Hart can get away with doing an
impression (he goes deeper, but the impression does a lot of work) – but Angus
cannot lean on that. Angus is great here as the lonely Epstein – a character
who longs for something, who is already looking back on his life, with some
regrets, and looking forward with uncertainly.
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