The Great Darkened Days *** / *****
Directed by: Maxime
Written by: Simon
Beaulieu and Maxime Giroux and Alexandre Laferrière.
Starring: Martin Dubreuil
(Philippe), Sarah Gadon (Helen), Romain Duris (Lester), Reda Kateb (Hector), Buddy
Duress (Opponent), Cody Fern (Travelling Salesman), Lise Roy (Philippe's
Mother), Soko (Rosie).

The film
opens with Philippe winning a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like contest, and winning
the $10 grand prize. It’s just about the last piece of good luck he’ll have in
the movie. Because from there, everyone he meets – no matter how nice they seem
at first – really are not nice at all. There is one of his opponents in the
contest (Buddy Duress) who will rob Philippe of his money. There is the talent
scout (Reda Kateb) who seems very nice (and apparently discovered R.E.W. – as a
bizarre scene finds Everybody Hurts blaring from a car radio in the 1940s, as
Philippe dances around the desert like Chaplin) – who picks our hero up at the
side of the road, and leaves at a place he says he will find help. He won’t –
but he will meet Helen (Sarah Gadon), who takes him into her home, and will
feed him a hot meal and give him a place to stay – but also has a woman tied up
who she treats quite literally like a dog (Soko). Then there is Lester (Romain
Duris) who runs some sort of bizarre human trafficking ring. You know you’re in
bad shape when perhaps the nicest guy you meet is a travelling cigarette
salesman (Cody Fern).
There are
surreal touches throughout The Great Darkened Days that let you know that while
this seems like the 1940s in our timeline, perhaps it isn’t. The R.E.M. song
that blares out of the radio is the moment where you either decide to role with
this film, or fight it tooth and nail the rest of the way. The moment right
after with Patton’s voice coming blaring out the radio talking about war (and I
think it’s actually George C. Scott as Patton) takes things a little further. There’s
also a moment when Philippe goes to sleep in the desert in the middle of
summer, and wakes up under a giant pile of snow. Or, of course, the human dog.
You could extend this a little farther in saying that for the American West,
there is sure a lot of French people around – but perhaps that’s just because
the film is from Quebec.
I am
really at a loss to come up with a reason what Giroux and company are saying
with this film. In a way, it’s a Job story, with our hero suffering through one
trial after another – but for what purpose, who knows? Perhaps it’s just a way
of punishing Philippe for dodging the draft – for not going to war for his
country, or the filmmaker’s way of saying that war may be hell, but so regular
life. You won’t escape unscathed. Perhaps its just surreal for the sake of
being surreal. Your guess is as good as mine.
What I
will say is that the film is endlessly fascinating. The direction by Giroux is
impressive – this is a period film on a budget, but the details are great. The
photography – which ranges from the wide open, bright spaces of the desert, to
an extended sequence that is basically all darkness is great – leading up to a
final image as beautiful as it is confounding. The supporting performances are
all aces as well – no one more so that Sarah Gadon (who has quietly become one
of my favorite actresses – almost in Canadian content like the Cronenberg films
Cosmopolis and Maps to Stars, Villeneuve’s final film before going Hollywood - Enemy
- or the TV show Alias Grace) who is so chipper and friendly it’s creepy, even
before you meet Rosie. Martin Dubreuil’s performance in the lead is interesting
– he is a passive character, we never really learn much about him – not even
why he dodged the drafted (was he a coward? A pacifist? Is there another reason?).
Other than that dance sequence, he doesn’t show his comedic chops that would
have won him that contest at the beginning – and even then, he looks as sad and
miserable as he does the rest of the time. But his face says a lot.
I guess,
in the end, you’re left with the question as to whether this bizarre journey
the movie takes us on is worth the destination of nowhere where we actually end
up. That’s something you’ll have to decide for yourself.
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