Directed by: Matteo Garrone.
Written by: Matteo Garrone & Massimo Gaudioso & Ugo Chiti & Maurizio Braucci.
Starring: Aniello Arena (Luciano), Loredana Simioli (Maria), Nando Paone (Michele), Nello Iorio (Massimone), Nunzia Schiano (Aunt Nunzia), Rosaria D'Urso (Aunt Rosaria), Giuseppina Cervizzi (Giusy), Claudia Gerini (TV hostess), Raffaele Ferrante (Enzo).

Garrone’s Reality is about the fame obsessed culture that we live in today. It
looks at an average Joe – Luciano (Aniello Arena), who is happy with his lot in
life. He runs a modest fish stand in Naples, loves his wife Maria (Loredana
Simioli) and his children, and has a large, bickering extended family he
enjoys. At parties, he dresses in drag to amuse the children, and anyone else
around. It is a modest life, but he’s happy and fulfilled. That is until he
auditions to be on the hit Italian version of Big Brother. We first see that
glint of envy in his eye at a wedding, where Enzo (Raffaele Ferrante) shows up
as a special guest – he was made a star by the show the previous year, and now
his life consists of doing these sorts of appearances, and being whisked away
on a private helicopter. His kids convince Luciano to audition for the show
himself – and after a successful first one, he is given a callback in Rome –
which he feels he has nailed. There is no way they are not going to pick him to
be on the show. He is so convinced that he about to become a star, he gives up
everything else in his life. And yet, the show never calls.
of the movie takes place in between his auditions and when Luciano has finally
go completely over the edge into some sort of insanity. He knows he has nailed
the audition. That the producers, and the psychologist who interviewed him, got
to know the “real” Luciano – meaning the reality TV show version of himself that
he starts to think is more real than reality. So when the producers don’t call,
Luciano thinks there must be a reason for that. He becomes increasingly
paranoid – he thinks that every person he meets must have been sent from the
show to see how he really is. He wants them to think he’s outgoing, gregarious
and charitable – so he gives a bunch of poor people most of his family’s stuff.
And yet, they still don’t call.
film reminded me of Martin Scorsese’s The King of Comedy (1983) – which becomes
more prophetic with each passing year. Both films center around a man who he is
convinced he is destined for greatness – and even though he is constantly
rejected, never quite seems to realize it. When we see some clips from the show
Luciano thinks he is supposed to be on, we know right away that there is no
mistake that he wasn’t picked. The people on the show are all younger – and
more beautiful – and are willing to degrade themselves in every conceivable way
to be on TV. Well, so is Luciano, except for the young and beautiful part. He’s
never going to be on the show because people don’t want to see someone like him
on TV.
Arena, who plays Luciano, delivers an excellent performance. Currently, Arena
is serving time in jail for a double murder – he used to be a Mafia hit man.
Garrone saw him in a prison stage production (I’m thinking something like the
one shown in the recent Caesar Must Die) and wanted him to play a role in his
last film – the Mafia film Gommora – but wasn’t allowed to cast him. Somehow,
he was allowed to cast him this time around (although, apparently after filming
stopped, he had to go back to jail, where he still has 8 years remaining on his
prison sentence). Whether Arena can play any other role when his jail time is
up remains to be seen – but he’s just about perfect in Reality. Perhaps have
spent two decades behind bars helped him to play Luciano, who is wide eyed and
amazed at the world of fame all around him (which may seem even stranger to
someone, who in jail, wouldn’t have seen the slow change first hand as the rest
of us had). Perhaps, Arena is just a brilliant actor. But whatever the case,
his Luciano makes a great Rupert Pupkin.
storytelling remains slightly messy – this was one of the strengths of Gommora,
which was unwieldy in its scope as it jumped from one scene to next with
amazing speed. But this film remains focused on Luciano, and as a result, the
more sudden shifts in tone, the addition of several subplots that are then
abandoned, are more of a problem this time around (I am not sure what precisely
Garrone is saying about religion in this film for example – but he obviously
had something in mind). And yet, when the film focuses Luciano, and his slow
descent into madness, it is top notch. Garrone may be saying something about
Italian culture in Reality – but really, it’s themes are universal.
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