Directed by: Ulrich Seidl.
Written by: Ulrich Seidl and Veronika Franz.
Starring: Margarete Tiesel (Teresa), Peter Kazungu (Munga), Inge Maux (Teresas Freundin), Dunja Sowinetz (Touristin), Helen Brugat (Touristin), Gabriel Mwarua (Gabriel), Carlos Mkutano (Salama), Josphat Hamisi (Beachboy).

Love is not an easy film to watch – and probably an impossible one to “enjoy”
in the traditional sense. This is a film that will make you cringe, and make
you change your opinion on the characters – often from one scene to the next.
Teresa seems like a nice person – she is struggling at home, but in desperate
need of a vacation and a little love. When she first arrives in Kenya she is
almost hopelessly naïve as to how things actually work – even when her friend
introduces to her “boy toy” and tells her that she bought him the motorcycle he
is riding on, it never quite clicks for Teresa that she can have anything she
wants, as long as she’s willing to pay for it. She’s looking for love but here,
love is for sale and really only takes the form of sex. Her first attempt with
a Kenyan man goes awry – and she thinks it’s hopeless. In a scene that is
subtly terrifying, she is surrounded by a group of young men, all trying to
sell her something, when all she wants to do is walk on the beach. She is
“saved” in a sense by Munga (Peter Kazungu) – and the two start a
“relationship” – although Teresa does not realize that means two totally
different things to each of them – which sets Teresa up for heartbreak
movie gets uglier as it moves along – culminating in one of the most disturbing
scenes in recent memory, as Teresa and her three friends cruelly mock and
exploit one of the poor resort workers. The fact that he is a willing
participant doesn’t excuse their behavior – and as they have him strip and
dance around for them, then have a competition to see who can get him hard
first – before cruelly throwing him out of their room. Why does Teresa take
part in this? Is it just because she’s angry at how Munga used her – although
she used him as well, especially in a scene where she dictates his every move
in the bedroom? Perhaps, but for that to be true, you have to ignore a scene
much earlier in the movie – before Munga even enters the film – where Teresa
and one of her friends cruelly mocks the same employee as he works behind the
bar, insulting him in a language he doesn’t understand, and laughing
hysterically about it.
honestly don’t know what to make of Paradise: Love. It is a well-made film by
Seidl, who frames every shot precisely (perhaps too precisely at times), and
features a wonderful, ambiguous performance by Tiesel, and an interesting one
by Kazungu as Munga. These two characters exploit each other, so it’s hard to
tell where your sympathies should lie, if they should lie with either of them
at all. And because Seidl doesn’t spell everything out for the audience, he
makes a thorny picture even thornier. Is there any right answer here?
Paradise: Love is a fascinating movie – one that whether you love it or hate it
(and I can easily see people on both sides here), you won’t be able to stop
thinking about. This is the first of a trilogy – including Paradise: Faith and
Paradise: Hope, which have already debuted at film festivals, and should make
their way to screens this year. Despite my reservations on Paradise: Love, I
cannot wait to see the other two films.
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