Sorry to Bother You **** /
Directed by: Boots Riley.
Written by: Boots Riley.
Starring: Lakeith Stanfield (Cassius
Green), Tessa Thompson (Detroit), Jermaine Fowler (Salvador), Omari Hardwick
(Mr. ____), Terry Crews (Sergio), Kate Berlant (Diana DeBauchery), Michael X.
Sommers (Johnny), Danny Glover (Langston), Steven Yeun (Squeeze), Armie Hammer
(Steve Lift), Robert Longstreet (Anderson), David Cross (Cassisus’ White
Voice), Patton Oswalt (Mr. ____’s White Voice), Lily James (Detroit’s White
British Voice), Forest Whitaker (Demarius), Rosario Dawson (Voice in Elevator).

film stars the talented Lakeith Stanfield as Cassius Green – a young man living
in his uncle’s garage in Oakland, just trying to make enough money to survive.
His girlfriend, Detroit (Tessa Thompson) lives with him. She’s an artist, so at
least she has an outlet for creativity – Cassisus has nothing. He finally gets
a new job – but it’s one of those soul crushing ones at a telemarketing firm,
selling crap to poor people who don’t need it. On the advice of a senior
worker, Langston (Danny Glover) – Cassius discovers the secret to selling –
using his “white voice” on the phone. He rises up the ranks quickly – becoming
a “Power Caller” on an upper floor. There, they don’t sell crap to poor people
– but sell things you shouldn’t be selling.
to Bother You takes place in a world that is very much like ours, but not quite
– perhaps it’s just a few years in the future, or in some kind of mirror
universe. From the beginning, there is something not quite right about this
world. For the first two thirds of the movie, a lot of this has to do with
Riley’s direction – it is inventive in a way that doesn’t let a small budget
get in the way of complicated shots and sequences. There is an delightful
animated sequence (about not so delightful things) – commercials for the new
company “Worry Free” essentially marketing themselves to people to turn
themselves into slaves – but doing so with a smile. The office in which
Cassisus makes those calls looks like a drab, corporate hellhole – but at
times, it’s more of a surrealistic nightmare. In nearly every scene, Riley is
doing something innovative and inventive visually in his film – pulling from
many different influences, but making them all his own.
lot rides on the performances in the film – and Riley has cast well. Stanfield
gives the film’s most complex performance – one that simultaneously grounds in
the film in some kind of recognizable reality – but also takes it to extremes.
In some ways, Cassius is a victim – but he’s a willing victim for much of it –
a man who makes a kind of Faustian deal for success – one that costs him
everything. Thompson’s performance helps a great deal as well – turning the
typical supportive girlfriend role into something a little deeper. The entire
supporting cast is great as well – a highlight is probably Armie Hammer, going
full rich guy asshole (a mode I like him in). The film’s most obvious,
innovative choice is one that pays off brilliantly – instead of getting Stanfield
to do a Dave Chappelle like “white voice” he actually dubs in another actor
(David Cross) doing the white guy voice when Stanfield is doing it – something
he repeats with another character (using Patton Oswalt) and even Detroit (using
Lily James, an British White voice to up the ante even more). Everyone is doing
such great work, that you ride along with the film even as it gets weirder and
weirder as it goes.
last act of Sorry to Bother You is undeniably the weirdest – and it’s weird in
a way I don’t know if it entirely works. I don’t doubt that when the twist
comes, some audiences will immediately kind of rebel or shut down to the movie
– and I didn’t have that experience. I admire Riley to take his film to the
extreme – to examine just how far things can be pushed, and all of us just
willing go along with it (or as they say in the movie, if you present people
with a problem they cannot solve, they find a way to live with the problem). In
order to get there, Riley needs to push things to the extreme – which he does
well. Yet, the last act is still the weakest – perhaps because it gets so weird
in some ways, Riley pulls back in others. I definitely want to see the film
again – knowing the twist that is coming, to see if it works better without the
shock value to it.
matter what, Sorry to Bother You is still one of the best, most inventive films
I have seen this year – and one of the most exciting debut films to come out in
years. It announces a major new talent to the film world. I cannot wait to see
what he does next.
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