Directed by: Oliver Stone.
Written by: Oliver Stone and Richard Boyle.
Starring: James Woods (Richard Boyle), James Belushi (Doctor Rock), Michael Murphy (Ambassador Thomas Kelly), John Savage (John Cassady), Elpidia Carrillo (María), Tony Plana (Major Maximiliano 'Max' Casanova), Colby Chester (Jack Morgan - State Department Analyst), Cynthia Gibb (Cathy Moore), Will MacMillan (Colonel Bentley Hyde Sr.), Valerie Wildman (Pauline Axelrod), José Carlos Ruiz (Archbishop Romero), Jorge Luke (Colonel Julio Figueroa).

Stone has admitted to thinking that Salvador may have been his last chance to
direct. He had a successful screenwriting career by the mid-1980s, but his two
previous directing efforts (Seizure and The Hand) had did nothing for his
career. Salvador was his chance to finally make the type of film he wanted to
make – even if he had little money to do so – and Stone wasn’t going to screw
it up. Salvador has all the markings of a filmmaker trying to do too much for
one movie to realistically do. The film is somewhat scattershot, verging
between comedy and heart wrenching drama to thriller to political sermon, and
back again. Stone makes that work for the movie though – this is the type of
film where everything can turn on a dime, so that tone is appropriate. The
biggest asset Salvador has though is a brilliant, Oscar nominated performance
by James Woods – perhaps the best the actor has ever given. The film makes full
use of Woods’ slimy charm – but also finds a real person underneath that. The
film has its flaws to be sure – none of them involve Woods.
In the
film, Woods stars as Richard Boyle – a reporter who was on the ground
throughout the Vietnam War, who has had trouble keeping a job since the war
ended. Back in the States, he has a wife and a kid – but they leave him fairly
early in the movie. He gets arrested, and calls on his friend Doctor Rock (Jim
Belushi) to get him out of jail. He then convinces Rock to come with him to El
Salvador, where Boyle is convinced he could make some money as a journalist
covering the Civil War in that country that is just starting to heat up. The
film takes place in 1980 – in literally the last days of the Carter
administration before Reagan becomes President – and a new Ambassador comes to
the country. There is a lot of arguing about whether the rebels are communists
or not – and whether the Americans should be supporting what is essentially a
military dictatorship or not. Boyle – and by extension Stone – are really
arguing that this is nothing more than a Civil War, and America is backing
murderers, and should stay out of it. Boyle doesn’t find too many people who
agree with him during the course of the movie.
seen Salvador at least three times before this latest viewing, and to be
honest, I always forget just how much political talk is in the movie. That’s
because the movie is least effective when it sets Woods out to debate different
government officials – military men, politicians, etc. – and have him debate
the merits of whether or not they should be there. Stone simultaneously
explains too much and not enough about the situation in El Salvador – too much
in that there are political conversations that grind the movie to a halt at
several points, lacking any sort of dramatic flow, and yet not enough, as the
specifics of the conflict remain murky – as if Stone assumes the audience will
already know some of them (which may well have been the case back in 1986).
But if
the movie fails as a political sermon – which most movies that attempt to be
that do – it works on a number of different levels beyond that. As Roger Ebert
pointed out, and Stone has confirmed, at times Boyle and Rock’s journey through
El Salvador brings to mind Hunter S. Thompson, and his gonzo journalism style –
where he’d show up in place, do as many drugs and drink as much alcohol as
possible, and simply have a good time, writing whatever he could. The opening
scenes of the movie certainly bring that to mind – and there drunken moments
throughout that recall Thompson as well.
movie is also effective as puncturing that drug and alcohol produced bubble
that Boyle created for himself, as the movie gets very violent, and shows
disturbing scene after disturbing scene of people being killed for no reason –
and where even the most innocent of interactions threatens to boil over into
violence, chaos and bloodshed. If Boyle starts the movie as a seemingly
cynical, uncaring asshole – he doesn’t come out of the movie the same way.
navigates the different things the movie asks him to do with ease. It was
apparently not an easy shoot – and Woods was unhappy throughout – but he never
let that affect his performance. The early scenes of Boyle – where he’s a
cynical prick – give us the Woods we all know and love – but as the film
progresses, it requires him to go deeper than he usually has a chance to do.
The infamous confession scene is perhaps the best acting of Woods career – and
there are moments in the back end, where he has found his humanity and
desperation, that rival it. No matter the other flaws in the film, Woods helps
to cover them up.
does have its share of flaws. Once again, I have to say that a Stone film has a
“woman problem” – nowhere more so than in its depiction of a female reporter
that feels unnecessarily harsh, and borders on misogyny at times. The rest of
the female characters don’t do much to help – not even Woods’ girlfriend in the
film, played by Elpidia Carrillo, who remains so passive in the film, you keep
forgetting about her. There is another, seemingly better, journalist in the
film – played by John Savage – but he isn’t given much to do, and his big
moment rings false.
But for
the most part Salvador works. Yes, Woods has a lot to do with that. But it’s
also Stone’s direction – which has an urgency about it. At times, Stone seems
to want to be making a Costa-Gravas-style political thriller/docudrama,
complete with handheld camera work. Stone just does that better than most. The
film can be funny, and then turn on an instant – and captures both of things
amazingly well. This is a huge leap forward in his directing career from The
Hand – and his next film (made the same year), would be another one.
has too many problems for it to be a truly great film, but it’s better than I
remembered it being at the same time. It’s too much of a sermon, and has other
problems to be sure, but at its best, Salvador is pretty damn terrific.
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