Star Trek: Into Darkness
Directed by: J.J. Abrams.Written by: Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman & Damon Lindelof based on the TV Series created by Gene Roddenberry.
Starring: Chris Pine (Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Zoe Saldana (Uhura), Karl Urban (Bones), Simon Pegg (Scotty), John Cho (Sulu), Benedict Cumberbatch (Khan), Anton Yelchin (Chekov), Bruce Greenwood (Pike), Peter Weller (Marcus), Alice Eve (Carol).

remakes or reboots of beloved franchises is almost never a good idea. If the
filmmakers are too reverent of the source material, you essentially end up with
something almost as silly and pointless as Gus Van Sant’s shot-for-shot Psycho
remake, because you are adding nothing new. If you go the other way, and try
hard to make it different, you run the risk of draining what was so special
about the original in the first place. But for the second time, J.J. Abrams
seems to have made a Star Trek that walks the very fine line between being too
reverent and too different. I’m not a Trekkie in the least – one of my big
cinematic blind spots is pretty much every Star Trek movie made before 2000.
But I know enough about the characters and the franchise to know why it worked
so well. In 2009, Abrams took on the monumental task of rebooting the franchise
– finding a new Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Bones, Scott, Sulu, Chekov and the rest.
The result was a highly enjoyable film that worked for everyone – not just
Trekkies. I’m not sure if Into Darkness tops it – but it surely equals it. This
time he takes an iconic storyline from the past, and makes it new.
movie opens on a mission where once again Kirk (Chris Pine) doesn’t follow
orders, but once again his not following orders actually works out better than
if he had. Still, Star Fleet looks down on this sort of independence, and Kirk
is called to the carpet for his actions – mainly because Spock told on him, not
to be mean, but because Vulcans cannot lie. But even Star Fleet thinks Kirk
could come in handy after two attacks by John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch) –
one of their own gone rogue. The second attack is at the heart of Star Fleet
itself, and leaves Kirk’s mentor Pike dead. Vowing revenge, Kirk convinces
Admiral Marcus (Peter Weller) to let him take the Enterprise to go get Harrison
– even though he’s hiding out on Kronos, the home planet of the Klingons, and
doing so may cause a war. Marcus equips Kirk with experimental, long range torpedoes
to get the job done. But once again, Kirk doesn’t quite follow orders.
again, the cast in the movie is excellent. Chris Pine’s Kirk and Zachary
Quinto’s Spock have already established a relationship that feels real – Spock
reins Kirk in when he’s going to go too far, and Kirk helps to humanize Spock –
gets him to see things the way the rest of us do. They are the heart of the
cast – and they are both just about perfect for their roles. The rest of the
Enterprise cast are really just stock characters – and yet Karl Urban as Bones,
John Cho as Sulu, Anton Yelchin as Chekov and especially Simon Pegg as Scotty
are all entertaining in their roles. They are trying, with mixed results, to
get Zoe Saldana’s Uhura to be a more major character – but as good as she is,
she still gets shunted to the background.
storyline – in particular the villain – are much stronger this time than they
were in Abrams s first Star Trek movie. As entertaining as the first film was,
I think we can all admit that Eric Bana’s villain left something to be desired.
He was shunted to the background, as Abrams concentrated more on
re-establishing the characters for a new generation than the story itself. This
time, Cumberbatch has one of the best roles in the film as the bad guy – a heartless
villain willing to sacrifice everything for what he wants.
for Abrams as a director, he still has a little too much of a TV perspective
for my taste behind the camera. His last film, Super 8, was his best as it was
his only original one so far, and did a far better job of imitating his idol
Steven Spielberg. With Star Trek: Into Darkness, he is back to the TV aesthetics
of his first films – with perhaps a little too much Paul Greengrass style
editing and shaky camera in the action sequences for my taste. Still though,
the film mainly looks great – the special effects are well handled. I didn’t see
the film in 3-D, because generally I don’t like 3-D for live action films
(although, admittedly, Baz Luhrmann used it well in Gatsby, even if I was
disappointed in the film).
are just three weeks into Hollywood’s annual blockbuster season – and we’ll see
many more BIG films over the next few months. Star Trek: Into Darkness is the
first blockbuster this year that I can fully get behind. I enjoyed it far more
than Iron Man 3 or The Great Gatsby. It’s a must for Trekkies and non-Trekkies
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