Directed by: Ariel Vromen.
Written by: Morgan Land & Ariel Vroman based on the book by Anthony Bruno.
Starring: Michael Shannon (Richard Kuklinski), Winona Ryder (Deborah Kuklinski), Chris Evans (Robert Pronge), Ray Liotta (Roy Demeo), David Schwimmer (Josh Rosenthal), James Franco (Marty), Stephen Dorff (Joey Kuklinski), McKaley Miller (Anabel Kuklinski), Megan Sherrill (Betsy Kuklinski).

Shannon specializes in playing men who are haunted by their own inner demons –
demons that they eventually find impossible to control, and makes them grow
increasingly paranoid and unstable throughout the movie. Think of how Oliver
Stone used Shannon, in the otherwise far too conventional World Trade Center,
to suggest that his character – who in most movies would be portrayed as a hero
– was heroic yes, but also unstable. Or watch him in various movies like
William Friedkin’s underrated Bug, Sam Mendes’s Revolutionary Road (where
Shannon received an Oscar nomination) or Jeff Nichols’ Take Shelter. In his
latest movie, The Iceman, Shannon once again plays a man haunted by his inner
demons – but instead of outwardly breaking down, he keeps everything contained
inside of him – never letting anyone see the real person inside – at least no
one who was going to live. Shannon plays Richard Kuklinski, who was a Mafia hit
man for years, and killed countless people in various ways, some simple
shootings or poisonings, and some in the most sadistic fashion you can think
of. Kuklinski feels no remorse for what he did – but for the entire running
time of the movie, he never lets his family see the real Kuklinski. When,
inevitably, it all comes crashing down on him, his wife and kids are stunned.
They thought he was a nice guy. It is another great performance by Shannon –
too bad the movie surrounding him is nowhere close to his level.
we first meet Kuklinski, he is shooting pool in a bar, and when he wins the
game, his opponent refuses to pay him the money he owes. He thinks Kuklinski
cheated him, but when Kuklinski gets upset, the man wisely decides to pay him
the money – but then unwisely decides to insult Kuklinski’s girlfriend Debra
(Winona Ryder). Kuklinski bides his time, and when he sees his opportunity, the
man pays with his life. It is the first of many killings we will see in the
Kuklinski comes to the attention of Roy Demeo (Ray Liotta), a gangster who
traffics in porn that Kuklinski illegally makes copies of. Demeo is impressed
when he and his goons threaten Kuklinski, but instead of acting like most men
do faced with this situation, and begging for mercy, Kuklinski holds his ground.
After testing him – Kuklinski passes with flying colors – Kuklinski leaves his
job dubbing porn movies, and instead goes to work for Demeo. If Demeo needs
some money collected, Kuklinski gets the assignment. If Demeo needs someone
killed, Kuklinski gets that assignment as well. He’ll kill anyone – as long as
they are not a woman or a child – and he’ll do it anyone you want him to.
is all controlled fury in this movie. There is a madness in his eyes, but he
keeps his voice calm. He is sure of himself, confident that he can do anything
and get away with it. He loves his family – will truly do anything for them –
but the rest of humanity he can without. We only get glimpses into his past –
especially in the one scene involving his brother (Stephen Dorff) who Kuklinski
disowns because he raped and murdered a child. Kuklinski is a monster, but one
who is able to keep that a secret when he wants to. This is a great performance
by Shannon – really the reason to see the movie.
Iceman also boosts an impressive supporting cast, all doing fairly good work.
Dorff has a memorable one scene cameo as Kuklinski’s brother, as does James
Franco as a sleazy porn director. David Schwimmer isn’t given much to do other
than look like an idiot with his cheesy 1970s mustache/pony tail/leisure suit
look, but he is still hilarious every time he’s on screen. Ray Liotta can do
this kind of gangster role in his sleep – he seemingly plays it a couple of
times every year, but in Demeo he gets one of his better recent roles. While
this movie won’t be the comeback role that Winona Ryder is hoping for, she
dutifully plays the “wife” role well. Best of all has to be Chris Evans, almost
unrecognizable as perhaps the only contract killer crazier than Kuklinski
yet, while I admired the performances of the entire cast, I never became truly
involved with the movie itself. Perhaps it’s simply because at this point, I’ve
seen so many gangster movies, that unless one is truly exceptional or offers an
original viewpoint, it’s hard to get excited about it. Or perhaps it’s because
having read Philip Carlo’s excellent true crime book The Iceman, and seen the infamous
HBO interviews with Kuklinski, I knew that more of this movie was fiction than
fact. In reality, Kuklinski was a prolific serial killer (by his own estimates
50-65 people) before he became a Mafia hit man, and more troubling, in real
life Kuklinski regularly hit his wife, and although he never hit his kids, they
were terrified of him. While they didn’t know what he did for a living, they
were not surprised when it all came out – they certainly weren’t the innocent
people who thought their husband/father was just a regular business, and a
loving as they are portrayed as here. I haven’t read the book this movie is
based on – by Anthony Bruno – because Carlo’s book is much more highly thought
of (and is apparently becoming a movie in its own right, starring Mickey
Rourke, who looks much more like Kuklinski than Shannon did). But I don’t think
that’s it – I readily admit that even the best movies that are said to be
“based on a true story” or more often than not more fiction than fact, and it
doesn’t normally bother me. Here though, the story just seems too pat, too
predictable, too easy. I ended up wanting to like The Iceman much more than I
actually did. There is no doubt that Michael Shannon is brilliant in this movie
– I just wish the rest of the movie lived up to its lead performance.
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