Directed By: Todd Phillips.
Written By: Jon Lucas & Scott Moore.

Sometimes you see the right movie at the right time. The Hangover is one of those movies for me. On Saturday, I was at a BBQ to celebrate my upcoming wedding, and made a drunken ass of myself. I have never been that drunk before, and I doubt I ever will be again. It is the only time I have ever gotten so drunk that I forgot what happened. So, feeling like a major league tool on Sunday, I dragged myself to the movie theater to see The Hangover – and absolutely loved it. Great art this isn’t. But for anyone who has ever been so drunk that they forgot what they did, The Hangover pretty much hits the nail on the head.
Doug (Justin Bartha) is getting married on Sunday, so he and his three buddies Phil (Bradley Coo

The three friends are a study in opposites. Phil is good looking and charming, works as a teacher and hates it, and complains all the time about being stuck with a wife and a kid. He just wants to go to Vegas and let loose. Stu is an uptight dentist, living with Melissa (Rachael Harris), a woman who bosses him around, physically abuses him and cheated on him the year before when they were on a cruise. He has to lie and say they are going to wine country, or else Melissa would not let him go at all. Alan is a socially

The director of the movie is Todd Phillips, who has made movies like this before – most notably Old School – which had a similar cast of men, just trying to let loose, and going too far. This movie is infinitely better than that one. For one thing, none of the actors overacts in this movie. This is a film full of one liners, and yet Cooper, Helms and Galifiankis never underline the punchlines, they simply deliver them with great comic timing. As they go from one place to another, constantly meeting people who either love them or hate them because of their actions the previous night, they movie somehow maintains at least a certain degree of believability – there is nothing here that is all that is too far out there to be at least somewhat plausible (okay, the scene in the police station would never actually happen, but it gets a pass becaus

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