22 July **** / *****
Directed by: Paul Greengrass.
Written by: Paul Greengrass based on
the book by Åsne Seierstad.
Starring: Anders Danielsen Lie (Anders
Behring Breivik), Jonas Strand Gravli (Viljar), Jon Øigarden (Geir Lippestad), Seda
Witt (Lara), Thorbjørn Harr (Sveinn), Joakim
Skarli (Knut Arne Pettersen , Paramedic), Kenan Ibrahimefendic (Dr. Kolberg), Trim
Balaj (Odd Ivar Grøn), Anja Maria Svenkerud (Siv Hallgren), Ola G. Furuseth (Jens
Stoltenberg), Maria Bock (Christin), Isak Bakli Aglen (Torje), Ingrid Enger
Damon (Alexandra Bech Gjørv), Trygve Svindland (Justice Minister), Ulrikke
Hansen Døvigen (Inga Bejer Engh), Hasse Lindmo (Svein Holden), Monica Borg Fure
(Monica Bøsei), Turid Gunnes (Mette Larsen), Tone Danielsen (Judge Wenche
Arntzen), Sonja Sofie Sinding (Lycke).

won’t sugarcoat it, that first 30 minutes is as difficult to watch as anything
you will see this year. After a few scenes of Breivik gathering his weaponry –
and the obligatory scenes to introduce us to the other plays in the film, Prime
Minister Jens Stoltenberg, and the Hanssen family, who will have two sons on
the island of Utoya, Greengrass dives into the chaos of that day – first the
explosion that causes so much destruction and confusion in Oslo, and then what
happened on Utoya, when Breivik talks his way onto the island, and then just
starts killing people. Yelling at them that they are going to die today “All
you Marxists, liberals, children of the elite”, he methodically sets about
shooting any and every one he comes across. The most harrowing section is on
the beach, where the two Hanssen brothers are hiding – but of course will be
found. When the police finally get there, Breivik surrenders without a fuss –
he doesn’t want to die – he wants to ensure he gets his day in court. He wants
to ensure that everyone knows exactly why he did what he did. He is not a
criminal, in his mind, but rather a solider in a war for the heart of Norway –
and Europe – which he perceives as being under attack by Islam, immigration and
forced multi-culturism.
rest of the film then really does proceed on three different tracts. On one,
Breivik is brought to trail – he is represented by Geir Lippestad, a good
lawyer, who doesn’t know why Breivik requested him, but is under obligation to
try and defend him anyway. He does a good job – but it’s clear he isn’t overly
enthusiastic about doing it. The legal system itself is much the same – they
want to ensure that Breivik gets what he is entitled too, but do not want to
let him re-traumatize the victims – and really – the whole country by doing so.
When they first capture Breivik, they are concerned about a third attack, since
he talks about being a soldier – but then he makes it clear that the trail
itself will be the third attack. As it progresses though, it becomes clear it
won’t go the way he wants it to – he hasn’t kick started the war he wanted to,
instead, he looks like the pathetic loner he always has been. The other two
tracts of the film deal with the political fallout on the Prime Minister – who,
to his credit, doesn’t try and hide, and wants to know precisely what happened,
and why they were unable to stop it. And finally, there is the story of the
Hanssen family, in particular Viljar, who was shot five times on Utoya, but
survived. He needs physical therapy to be able to do anything again –and still
has bullet fragments in his skull that could kill him. Still, he wants to look
strong when he has to go into court and face Breivik.
film walks a fine line here – it wants to be about this story specifically, but
also use it for broader context. There is a reason Greengrass chose to use an
all Norwegian cast, but have them speak in accented English – this story is
both Norwegian, and universal. What Breivik stood for is at the heart of many
mass shootings, and violence, around the world right now. In its own weird way,
this is an inspiring story, not because of the survivors (although that too),
but because it shows a way through this madness and violence, without
succumbing to it – without becoming something evil to fight evil. This is a
hard film to watch – many won’t want to. But for those who can, it contains a
powerful message.
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