Mile 22 ** / *****
Directed by: Peter Berg.
Written by: Lea Carpenter and Graham
Starring: Mark Wahlberg (James Silva),
Lauren Cohan (Alice), John Malkovich (Bishop), Ronda Rousey (Sam Snow), Iko
Uwais (Li Noor), Carlo Alban (William Douglas III), Natasha Goubskaya (Vera),
Chae-rin Lee (Queen), Sam Medina (Axel), Keith Arthur Bolden (King), Jenique
Hendrix (Knight), Billy Smith (Rook), Myke Holmes (Pawn), Emily Skeggs
(M.I.T.), Terry Kinney Johnny Porter), Brandon Scales (Jacob Stone), Poorna
Jagannathan (Dorothy Brady), Peter Berg (Lucas).

the film, Wahlberg plays James Silva, a man so deep inside the deep state that
his CIA job is his cover for his real job, working for a super-secret
government agency called Overwatch. When not even the CIA can get its hands
dirty, Silva and his team all resign from their jobs to take on the most elite
of all the elite missions, and are then rehired afterwards. We witness one such
job at the beginning of the film – with Wahlberg watching from the forest with
a sniper rifle, while his team infiltrates a suburban household, full of
Russians up to know good. There is an offsite Overwatch team as well – they
monitor the situation with drones, can read heat signatures, and the vitals of
all their operatives – and can get involved if needed. It’s headed, like all super-secret
government programs should be, by John Malkovich – who is billed in the credits
as Bishop, although they basically call him Mother throughout.
that job goes South – and all the Russians needed to be executed. Flash forward
16 months, and the team is now in some fictional Asian country – and are about
to start another job. There is dirty bomb material out there, and a local cop,
Li Noor (Iko Uwais) says he knows where it is – all he needs is to put on a
plane to America, and he’ll give them what they need. In order to do that
though, the team has to get Noor 22 miles from their embassy, to their plane –
who for reasons unexplained, can only stay on the ground for 22 minutes. The
locals don’t want him to go through – and you figure the Russians have
something to do with it as well, as we constantly flash to them listening in.
role as Silva is what constitutes stretching now for Wahlberg – who was once
giving great performances in films like Boogie Nights, I Heart Huckabees and
The Departed – but who now only seems to want to do these types of violent
action movies (since he says he regrets doing Boogie Nights, we clearly
disagree on his career trajectory). There is much debate as to what precisely
is wrong with Silva – manic depressive, bipolar, or just an asshole, he speaks
a mile a minute, and treats everyone as if they’re idiots (my bet is asshole).
He’s fine, I guess, although my favorite performance in the movie is by Lauren
Cohan as Alice – his closest friend on the team – and the only sympathetic
character in the movie – and also swears more than anyone else in the movie,
and does so well at it, I hope David Mamet or Quentin Tarantino were paying
film’s plot though is basically an excuse to put together a big long action
sequence at the end of the movie – okay, perhaps the last two thirds of the
film, which is one action sequence stacked on top of another. Some of these are
better than others. Berg is clearly inspired by Gareth Evans The Raid here, so
much so that he stole that films star Uwais, and makes pretty good use of him.
No, he doesn’t get the type of mind boggling action sequence Evans’ film gave
him – but there is a nice one where he attacks two people trying to kill him as
he’s handcuffed to a hospital bed. A long sequence inside an apartment building
feels like a direct lift from The Raid – just not done as well. Berg, who no
matter what problems his other films had, was usually quite good as directing
action, has here decided to go with more rapid fire editing than usual – which
makes quite a few of the action scenes border on the incoherent.
films point-of-view is clearly right wing, and so what if it is? So were the
other films in the Berg/Wahlberg canon (even Deepwater Horizon, about a natural
disaster still didn’t seem to care at all about the environment). Even if I
disagree with much of what the films argues, I wouldn’t mind so much if it
argued it coherently. But like many internet conspiracies, everything in Mile
22 just seems like a jumble of incoherent rambling – and this time, we don’t
even have good action sequences to fall back on. I’ve never been a huge fan of
these Berg/Wahlberg’s opuses – but I’ve never out and out disliked one like I
did this time around.
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