Evil Genius: The True
Story of America’s Most Diabolical Bank Heist **** / *****
Directed by: Barbara Schroeder.
Co-director: Trey Borzillieri.

crime, in a nutshell, was crazy. Brian Wells was a middle aged pizza delivery
man who was called to a remote area where he says a group of black men attacked
him, strapped a bomb to his neck, gave him an improvised “cane gun” and a list
of bizarrely detailed instructions telling him to rob a bank. If he didn’t do
so in a specified time period, the bomb would go off and he would be killed.
The robbery itself doesn’t go quite as planned – sure, he walks out with the
money, but only $8,000, not the $250,000 he was supposed to get, and the cops
descend on him rather quickly and place him under arrest. But there is a matter
of that bomb around his neck. Is that real or fake? Is Wells lying about the
black men? Is he in on it, or an unwitting victim? As he sits handcuffed in the
street, wanting help, the bomb squad isn’t able to get there on time – and he
dies. But who was behind the crime?
there, things get even stranger. One of Brian’s co-workers – another pizza
delivery man – dies a few days later, but they don’t really know why. Then
there is Bill Rothstein, who will call the cops a month after the robbery to
report that he has a body in his freezer of his garage – but he didn’t kill
him. Who did? That would be Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong, Rothstein’s
ex-girlfriend, and the girlfriend on the man in the freezer. How this relates
to the pizza bomber case is a tangled web that only gradually gets unwound –
and then only partially. But it is true that Diehl-Armstrong is the Evil Genius
of the title.
is the most fascinating person in the film. She is both clearly mentally ill
and clearly intelligent. Her paranoid rantings sound crazy, but the way also be
part of her act to gain sympathy and leniency in the courts. These aren’t the
first deaths she is connected to, although it’s the first time she’s being
charged with them. Diehl-Armstrong didn’t give many interviews with the media –
no sit down ones anyone, except with Trey Borzillieri, credited as a
co-director here. He was fascinated with the case, and started to try and make
a documentary about it. For some reason, Diehl-Armstrong chose to talk to him –
in massive amounts of phone calls and letters, and for even an on camera
interview. Borzillieri becomes an interesting figure in the documentary itself
– he acts as the narrator, but for half the series, we don’t really know who he
is, or why he’s the one talking. The first two hours try and lay everything out
that we can objectively know – relying on news reports and interviews with the officers
involved in the investigation. The second half is when we really delve into
Diehl-Armstrong, and Borzillieri’s obsession with the case. It’s probably a
good thing that the film was directed by Barbara Schroeder, with Borzillieri getting
co-director credit. This allows for at least some distance between the subject
and the filmmakers to be there – although, arguably, not enough.
Genius is an uncomfortable film to watch in some ways - truly, we didn’t need
to see Brian Wells’ death on screen once, let alone twice – even if they did
blur it out. Given how his family feels about this whole thing, they could have
left that part out (it provides no additional information). But it’s a series
that really does dig deep and come up with a disturbing portrait of the people involved
– many of whom were brilliant, but lived like they should be on Hoarders. The
series doesn’t – because it cannot – answer all the questions in the case. Too
many people decided to take secrets to the grave for us to get a complete
answer on any of it. But it’s not a film you will forget.
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