And Then I Go *** ½ /
Directed by: Vincent Grashaw.
Written by: Brett Haley and Jim
Shepard based on the novel by Shepard.
Starring: Arman Darbo (Edwin), Sawyer
Barth (Flake), Melanie Lynskey (Janice), Justin Long (Tim), Tony Hale (Mr.
Mosley), Carrie Preston (Ms. Arnold), Melonie Diaz (Ms. Meier), Royalty
Hightower (Tawanda), Dallas Edwards (Herman), Phebe Cox (Michelle), Kannon
Hicks (Gus), Michael Abbott Jr. (Flake's Dad), Hunter Trammell (Matthew Sfikas),
Steele Whitney (Dickhead), Conner McVicker (Weensie), Sarah East (Flake's Mom),
Jostein Sagnes (Budzinski).

(Arman Darbo) is a ninth grader, small for his age, who basically only has one
friend in school – Flake (Sawyer Barth). The two are either picked on or
ignored by the other kids in school, and while there are some well-meaning
adults at the school, Edwin never really opens up to them either. His parents
Tim and Janice (Justin Long and Melanie Lynskey) seem nice enough, but of
course, like most teenagers, Edwin blocks them out of his inner thoughts as
well. The film’s opening scenes show how Edwin and Flake are isolated from the
rest of their class – picked on and beat up. Eventually, it will be Flake who
brings Edwin down to his basement to show him his dad’s gun collection (I don’t
know if the movie designed itself to avoid the gun control debate, by using
older weapons, but they do). Together, they start planning just what exactly
they are going to do, and how.
movie isn’t overly interested in that plan however – it shows how the two of them
plan, sure, but that’s a small part of the movie. What the film is most
interested in is Edwin himself – his isolation and depression that leads him to
do what he does – but also how he misses so much that could well have saved
him. Edwin and Flake basically isolate themselves from their classmates, they
refuse to get involved in anything – even the most basic things like watching
TV, or joining social media. Both of Edwin’s parents are caring – and try to
talk to him, but he pushes them away, and while they worry about him, it’s hard
to see what else they could have done. What’s the difference between a regular
sullen teenager, and one that is planning a massacre? While the Vice Principal
(Tony Hale) seems mostly clueless, he does try and reach out to Edwin – tries to
get him involved, and socialized. And Edwin is a talented artist, who
throughout the film will get involved in a group art project that he excels at –
and is encouraged by an art teacher, and befriends the other group members.
Edwin doesn’t seem to notice any of this however – Flake has been his best
friend since they were five, and he seems somewhat lost without him – when the
pair get into a fight, Edwin falls deeper into his depression.
movie clearly wants you to feel sympathy for Edwin – and you do (at least I
did, who as a quiet, isolated high school myself, I see some of my teenage self
in Edwin). I do think the movie pushes this a little too hard at times (like a
scene with an adult, who steals Edwin’s little brothers ball, which just seems
weird). The finale of the movie too I think tries too hard to maintain that
sympathy for Edwin – not quite make excuses for everything, but show he was no
Flake. A harder hitting film would have pushed Edwin a little further, tested
our sympathies for him a little more.
the film works as a portrait of Edwin, and the combination of factors that
propel him to do what he does. He’s a more complicated character than Flake –
who is the kind of angry, young white man who fits the portrait of these kind
of mass shooters (particularly the solo ones, and many of them now are solo
ones) that we see more and more often. The film doesn’t seek to provide any
easy answers or pat psychology – and it’s stronger for that. It shows how a kid
may just get to the point that Edwin gets to – and how easy that can be.
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