About Eve (1950)
Joseph L. Mankiewicz.
Joseph L. Mankiewicz.
Davis (Margo Channing), Anne Baxter (Eve Harrington), George Sanders (Addison
DeWitt), Celeste Holm (Karen Richards), Gary Merrill (Bill Simpson), Hugh
Marlowe (Lloyd Richards), Gregory Ratoff (Max Fabian), Barbara Bates (Phoebe),
Marilyn Monroe (Miss Casswell), Thelma Ritter (Birdie Coonan).

Bette Davis gave her best
performance in a career full of them as Margo Channing – the “aging” Broadway
star, who will turn 40 during the course of the movie, but is still packing in
audiences when she plays characters in her 20s. She is a legend, and she knows
she’s a legend – as does everyone else. Her boyfriend is her director, Bill
(Gary Merill) – only 32, something that if their gender were reversed wouldn’t
matter – but, of course, they’re not, and it does. The playwright is Lloyd
Richards (Hugh Marlowe), who knows Margo is his meal ticket, but still wishes
he’d be recognized for his own (perceived) greatness. He’s married to Karen
(Celeste Holm) – Margo’s best friend. It is soft-hearted Karen who first meets
Eve Harrington (Anne Baxter). She is on the street after a performance of the
latest play – she has seen every performance she says, and taking pity on her,
Karen invites her to meet Margo and company. Margo loves the attention, and
laps up Eve’s sob story – everyone else does to, except for Birdie (Thelma
Ritter) – Margo’s dresser, who sees through Eve from the get go. Eve has soon
got herself inside Margo’s inner circle – where she’ll go from an assistant to
an understudy to a rival of Margo’s.
The movie is narrated by Sanders’
Addison DeWitt – the powerful newspaper gossip writer and critic – who is the most
cynical person in this film full of cynics. He has the power to make or break
people, and he uses it. In Eve, he finds a kindred spirit of sorts – someone as
ruthless as he is, but better able to hide it. Every word out of his mouth is
full of cynical, sinister glee, except for the scene with him and Eve alone,
where he brings it down a register – he knows precisely how to bring her down.
Sanders is perfect for the role (given the wording of his suicide note, which
I’ll let you look up, even more perfect than you first realize). Yet, as a
great as Sanders is, even he plays second fiddle to Davis’ Margo. The aging
actress is in many ways a clichéd movie role by now – Gloria Swanson plays
Norma Desmond this same year for instance, and many films center on an aging
actress and her youthful rival. None are better than All About Eve, and that’s
because of Davis, capable of delivering the bitterest, most cynical lines in
the movie, and still come across as sympathetic. Her speech about Bill being 32
is one of the best in screen history – and she makes the most of it. David knew
this role all too well – she was 42 at the time – but she was already aging out
of where Hollywood likes their leading ladies – she was a perennial Oscar contender
from the mid-1930s to the mid-1940s, but hadn’t gotten the really good roles in
a while (was nominated 7 times between 1935 and 1944 – and 1950’s All About Eve
was her first since). This is a sad story for most actresses – who have much to
offer after 40, but Hollywood isn’t interested – but downright tragic for Bette
Davis, best at playing strong willed, mature women. She knew Margo Channing,
she was Margo Channing, and that’s why it’s one of the great performances in
film history.
The rest of the cast is fine as
well – although neither Merill or Marlowe could keep up with the women (Merill
does have a great put down of Eve, but other than that doesn’t do much, Marlowe
remains a clueless dope throughout). You feel the worst for sweet, lovable
Karen, as Holm makes her not stupid, but friendlier then the rest, and that
gets her in trouble. I would have loved more Thelma Ritter – who seems born to
play Birdie, but the film doesn’t make much time for her. Marilyn Monroe shows
up at the infamous party scene, and when she’s onscreen, you cannot look away.
As for Baxter, she is pretty much perfect as Eve – she is right in every moment
in the film, even if Eve never really becomes a believable three-dimensional
character – then again, perhaps Eve doesn’t have three dimensions at all. Margo
is a great actress on stage, Eve is acting always. Davis – and others – blame
the fact that Baxter was nominated alongside Davis for Best Actress, as to why
Davis didn’t win the Oscar this year – because Baxter split the vote. Perhaps
that’s true – perhaps Swanson, playing another aging actress, and going
over-the-top with it – stole some votes to (Judy Holiday won for Born Yesterday
– and fine, its good, but Davis and Swanson are literally two of perhaps the 10
greatest performances ever by an actress).
All About Eve is so beloved, so iconic
so entrenched in the canon that I fear some are intimidated by it – what else
is there to say about the film. Perhaps not much. But is beloved for a reason,
iconic for a reason – and if nothing else you should see it to find out why.
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