Wizard of Lies *** ½ / *****
by: Barry
by: Sam
Levinson & Samuel Baum & John Burnham Schwartz based on the book by Diana
De Niro (Bernard Madoff), Michelle Pfeiffer (Ruth Madoff), Alessandro Nivola (Mark
Madoff), Hank Azaria (Frank DiPascali), Nathan Darrow (Andrew Madoff), Sydney
Gayle (Emily Madoff), Lily Rabe (Catherine Hooper), Kristen Connolly (Stephanie
Madoff), Kathrine Narducci (Eleanor Squillari), Steve Coulter (Martin London), Michael
Kostroff (Peter Madoff).

In the film, Robert DeNiro plays
Madoff – the well-respected financial guru, who it turned out had been running
the largest Ponzi scheme Wall Street had ever seen, scamming billions of
dollars out of his clients, none of whom ever had a clue. I do wish that the
film had perhaps dived a little more into how Madoff did it, but I also
understand I’m probably in the minority who wanted more details about financial
transactions, so perhaps director Barry Levinson and company were right to
basically stick to the family story. This is not a film about Madoff’s victims –
it’s about how his crimes effected those closest to him, who the film takes at
face value in that it never questions their own story that they didn’t know
what was going on.
DeNiro is undeniably one of the
greatest actors of all time, but also undeniably, hasn’t always seemed that
interested in doing great work in the past, oh, two decades or so – with the occasional
great performance (Stone, Silver Linings Playbook or his great directorial
effort The Good Shepherd) being lost in a sea of mediocrity. Here, he is quite
good, and makes an interesting choice with Madoff – making him into a blank
faced, mostly bland psychopath. He doesn’t raise his voice very often, he isn’t
giving “Greed is Good” speeches like Gordon Gekko, or going insane like Jordan
Belfort – he just calmly, rationally steals all your money. You cannot even say
he’s doing it for his family, because he screws up their lives as well – he says
he did it all himself, and they knew nothing, but as we see in flashbacks, even
when his sons wanted to leave his company, strike out on their own, he berates
them into staying – essentially sealing their fate. This is not a deep dive by
DeNiro – who keeps his understanding of Madoff on a surface level, but he implies
that the surface level is all there is to Madoff.
That does leave the emotional
heavy lifting in the film to the other characters. As his wife, Michelle Pfeiffer
is excellent – she isn’t a typical trophy wife (for one thing, she’s been with
Bernie since they were poor teenagers), but she clearly didn’t want to know
anything about what Bernie did at work or why – her priority was her family –
and the money – and when she loses it all, she has nothing left. Pfeiffer is so
good here, it really makes you wish she’d work more often (this is the first
time I’ve seen her since 2013). Also quite good is Alessandro Nivola as their
younger son – the one who admires their father more than anything, who takes
all of his crap, and is destroyed by the revelations. Nathan Darrow isn’t as
effective as the older Madoff son – mainly because he has a more reserved role.
The Wizard of Lies was directed
by Barry Levinson – the Oscar winning filmmaker of Rain Man, and other fine
films of the 1980s and 1990s (my personal favorite is probably the Iraq War
satire Wag the Dog with DeNiro from 1997). Levinson has always been a smart,
middle of the road filmmaker – and there’s no difference here. The Wizard of
Lies knows precisely what it is, and what it wants to do – and it delivers. It’s
a little strange to me that HBO continues to churn these films out, with
seemingly no real ambition to grow, but they know what they’re doing, and they
do it well.
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