Every year on the day before the Oscars, the Razzies come out with their list of the worst of the year - the anti-Oscars, I guess as a way of deflating the egos in Hollywood, and to remind the world that they make a lot of crap. Below is this years nominations, with selected commentary.
Worst Picture
The Bounty Hunter
The Last Airbender
Sex and the City 2
Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Vampires Suck

The Last Airbender
Sex and the City 2
Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Vampires Suck
I thankfully missed Vampires Suck, but did catch the other 4 nominees - The Bounty Hunter, Sex and City 2 and The Last Airbender pretty much deserved their nominations here. But, and I cannot believe I'm going to type this but apparently I am, I didn't think The Twilight Saga: Eclipse deserves to be here. It was far and away the best of the films so far (faint praise I know), so while I think the series is still way overhyped, I can think of many worse movies this year than that one.
Worst Director
Sylvester Stallone, The Expendables
M. Night Shyamalan, The Last Airbender
Michael Patrick King, Sex and the City 2
David Slade, Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer, Vampires Suck
Worst Director

M. Night Shyamalan, The Last Airbender
Michael Patrick King, Sex and the City 2
David Slade, Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer, Vampires Suck
Stallone's direction on The Expendables was as good as can be expected and doesn't deserve to be here - and neither does David Slade's work on The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, as he really did do a better job than the material deserved. I may also even pick at M. Night Shyamalan's inclusion, as I think it was the horrible 3-D that really made that film unwatchable. Michael Patrick King deserves this one though.
Worst Actor
Jack Black, Gulliver’s Travels
Gerard Butler, The Bounty Hunter
Ashton Kutcher, Killers and Valentine’s Day
Taylor Lautner, Twilight Saga: Eclipse and Valentine’s Day
Robert Pattinson, Remember Me and Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Worst Actor

Gerard Butler, The Bounty Hunter
Ashton Kutcher, Killers and Valentine’s Day
Taylor Lautner, Twilight Saga: Eclipse and Valentine’s Day
Robert Pattinson, Remember Me and Twilight Saga: Eclipse
I really don't like Gerald Butler, so I would have included him as well, and Robert Pattinson deserves to be here for Remember Me, and Taylor Lautner still has zero talent in The Twlight movies, and was braindead in Valentine's Day. I didn't see Killers, but Ashton Kutcher wasn't awful in Valentine's Day - he just had awful material. And Jack Black tried really, really hard to make Gulliver's Travels work.
Worst Actress
Jennifer Aniston, The Bounty Hunter and The Switch
Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon and Sarah Jessica Parker, Sex and the City 2″
Miley Cyrus, The Last Song
Megan Fox, Jonah Hex
Kristen Stewart, Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon and Sarah Jessica Parker, Sex and the City 2″
Miley Cyrus, The Last Song
Megan Fox, Jonah Hex
Kristen Stewart, Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Jennifer Aniston deserves to be here for The Bounty Hunter - although since I didn't see The Switch I can't say about that one. The four Sex and the City Girls deserve their spot as well. The other three though, I don't know. Miley Cyrus wasn't horrible in The Last Song - she did precisely what she should have in that movie. Megan Fox was completely undone by the godawful screenplay and direction in Jonah Hex. And I continue to believe that without Kristen Stewart, The Twilight movies my have been unwatchable.
Worst Supporting Actor
Billy Ray Cyrus, The Spy Next Door
George Lopez, Marmaduke, The Spy Next Door and Valentine’s Day
Dev Patel, The Last Airbender
Jackson Rathbone, The Last Airbender and Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Rob Schneider, Grown Ups
I cannot comment on Billy Ray in The Spy Next Door, not George Lopez in that film or Marmaduke - but I didn't think he was THAT horrible in Valentine's Day. Dev Patel certainly earned this award for The Last Airbender though, as did Jackson Rathborne (or staring guy to my wife because all he does in the Twlight films is stare at the camera with a blank look on his face) and Rob Schneider for Grown Ups.

George Lopez, Marmaduke, The Spy Next Door and Valentine’s Day
Dev Patel, The Last Airbender
Jackson Rathbone, The Last Airbender and Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Rob Schneider, Grown Ups
I cannot comment on Billy Ray in The Spy Next Door, not George Lopez in that film or Marmaduke - but I didn't think he was THAT horrible in Valentine's Day. Dev Patel certainly earned this award for The Last Airbender though, as did Jackson Rathborne (or staring guy to my wife because all he does in the Twlight films is stare at the camera with a blank look on his face) and Rob Schneider for Grown Ups.
Worst Supporting Actress
Jessica Alba, The Killer Inside Me, Little Fockers, Machete and Valentine’s Day
Cher, Burlesque
Liza Minnelli, Sex and the City 2
Nicola Peltz, The Last Airbender
Barbra Streisand, Little Fockers

Cher, Burlesque
Liza Minnelli, Sex and the City 2
Nicola Peltz, The Last Airbender
Barbra Streisand, Little Fockers
Jessica Alba was not awful in The Killer Inside Me or Machete, and tried her damnedest in Little Fockers - but she really did suck in Valentine's Day. Nicola Peltz really added nothing to Thet Last Airbender. But now, and I cannot believe I am going to do this, I must defend Cher, Liza Minelli and Barbra Streisand - Minelli and Streisand because they aren't in their movies enough to be truly annoying, and Cher because no one could have made the dialogue she had to work with in Burlesque bearable.
Worst Screenplay
The Last Airbender
Little Fockers
Sex and the City 2
Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Vampires Suck
Worst Screenplay

Little Fockers
Sex and the City 2
Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Vampires Suck
I really cannot defend most of the work in this category, as it really does all suck. But I will say I don't think I would have nominated Twilight because, to quote Reverand Lovejoy they "did the best they could with the material provided".
Worst Screen Couple/Ensemble
Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler, The Bounty Hunter
Josh Brolin and Megan Fox, Jonah Hex
The cast of The Last Airbender
The cast of Sex and the City 2
The cast of Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Worst Screen Couple/Ensemble

Josh Brolin and Megan Fox, Jonah Hex
The cast of The Last Airbender
The cast of Sex and the City 2
The cast of Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Aniston and Butler yes, Brolin and Fox yes, the cast of the Last Airbender, yes, the cast of Sex and the City 2 yes, and overall the cast of Twilight yes. They nailed this category.
Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-off or Sequel
Clash of the Titans
The Last Airbender
Sex and the City 2
Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Vampires Suck
Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-off or Sequel

The Last Airbender
Sex and the City 2
Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Vampires Suck
I'm amazed that Clash of the Titans didn't get more nominations this year, and it deserved them. The Last Airbender truly did ruin a great Saturday morning cartoon show, Sex and the City 2 killed a hugely popular franchise. As for Twilight, again it wouldn't here. It was the best of the series so far, so while it still wasn't a very good movie, I can't say I'd put it here.
Worst Eye-Gouging Misuse of 3D
Cats and Dogs 2: The Revenge of Kitty Galore
Clash of the Titans
The Last Airbender
Nutcracker 3D
Saw 3D

Clash of the Titans
The Last Airbender
Nutcracker 3D
Saw 3D
A great new category - and while I only saw two of the nominees - Clash of the Titans and The Last Airbender, they deserved to be here.
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