Directed by: Luc Besson.
Written by: Luc Besson and Michael Caleo based on the book by Tonino Benacquista.
Starring: Robert De Niro (Fred Blake / Giovanni Manzoni), Michelle Pfeiffer (Maggie Blake), Dianna Agron (Belle Blake), John D'Leo (Warren Blake), Tommy Lee Jones (Robert Stansfield), Jimmy Palumbo (Di Cicco), Domenick Lombardozzi (Caputo), Stan Carp (Don Luchese), Vincent Pastore (Fat Willy), Jon Freda (Rocco).

Besson was once a reliable action filmmaker – with films such as La Femme
Nikita (1990), The Professional (1994) and The Fifth Element (1997) on his
resume – all of which are visually stunning and extremely entertaining.
Somewhere along the way though, he seems to have lost his touch – it started
with his misguided Joan of Arc film, The Messenger – and continued with three
animated Arthur and the Invisibles movies (of which, I have only seen the
first) and his rather dull angel film Angel-A. To a certain extent, it makes
sense for him to team up with Robert DeNiro – who was once one of the best
actors in the world, who has been slumming it for more than a decade now, with
the occasional The Good Shepherd or Stone or Silver Linings Playbook to give us
fans a glimpse of the actor he once was. The two of them teaming up to make a
Mafia movie sounds like good idea to get them both back on track. Sadly, The
Family seems like just another paycheque for both.
stars as Giovanni Manzoni, once a high ranking Mafia man, who turned stool
pigeon and entered witness protection with his family – wife Maggie (Michelle
Pfeiffer) and kids Belle (Dianna Agron) and Warren (John D’Leo). They are now
living in France with the boring name of Blake – and much to the chagrin of their
handler Robert Stansfield (Tommy Lee Jones), they keep getting into trouble and
have to be relocated. The Mafia still wants Giovanni’s head – a $20 million
bounty has been placed on it – and they are scouring Europe to find them.
film is essentially a fish out of water comedy, with the brash New York Mafia
family running afoul of everyone in their small, provincial French town. The
Blakes don’t do anything quietly – and they do not handle rejection well – if
you insult Maggie for wanting to buy peanut butter, she just may blow up your
little grocery store. If you’re a plumber who tells Giovanni something he
doesn’t want to hear, you’ll end up in the hospital. Even the kids behave badly
– as Belle sets her sights on an older teacher, and Warren starts his own racket
right there in high school.
problem with The Family is that it wants to be a comedy – but it quite simply
isn’t very funny. To give DeNiro credit, he doesn’t seem to be sleepwalking
through the film like he has often done in the recent past – he’s trying, and
he has a few good moments (discussing GoodFellas with a French audience is a
highlight), but this is another role that doesn’t really challenge DeNiro – doesn’t
force him out of his comfort zone. The rest of the cast are basically playing
stereotypes – one note characters who are not given much to do. Pfeiffer and
Jones are pretty much wasted – which is a shame, because at least the film
gives DeNiro a chance to play with his Mafia image a little bit (even if he’s
returned to that well a little too often) – but the film misses the chance to
play with the Pfeiffer of Scarface or Married to the Mob or the Jones of The
Fugitive. When you have actors this good, it’s a shame to waste them – but the
movie does.
Of course the film ends with an action climax – which is well handled by Besson, but also a little too by-the-numbers. Besson did some of the best action sequences of the 1990s, and while he hasn’t completely lost his touch, it does feel like he’s going through the motions. In fact, that is what the entire film feels like – a one joke comedy that doesn’t really go anywhere, and wasn’t that funny the first time.
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