Directed by: Nicolas Winding Refn.
Written By: Roy Jacobsen & Nicolas Winding Refn.
Starring: Mads Mikkelsen (One Eye), Maarten Stevenson (Are), Gordon Brown (Hagen), Andrew Flanagan (Gudmond), Gary Lewis (Kare), Gary McCormack (Hauk), Alexander Morton (Barde), Jamie Sives (Gorm).

While the silent hero recalls Clint Eastwood’s Man with No Name in the Sergio Leone spaghetti Westerns (and Mikkelsen certainly tries to be Eastwood, but no one is Eastwood other than Eastwood), and there are times when the sweeping landscape vistas call to mind Terence Malick, Refn’s biggest influence here is certainly Werner Herzog – that mad German visionary who films border on insanity at times. This is particularly true after the pagan One Eye falls in with a band of Christian Vikings on their way to the Holy Land, who (in the films most prolonged and boring sequence) get lost and end up in the New World. Here, the armor clad warriors head out in the wilderness of North America, and get slaughtered. Yes, it seems that Refn wanted to remake Aguirre, the Wrath of God in North America.
But after a while, Valhalla Rising turns into a game of “spot the influences” more than a film unto itself. One Eye is an uninteresting character, not because he doesn’t speak (although that doesn’t help), but because he remains a complete blank – we never even figure out why he gets those blood red premonitions of the future – they’re just there.
As a director, Refn shows a definite talent – that I cannot deny. There are images in this movie as haunting as anything I have seen this year. And yet, I do think he really needs to learn that sometimes less is more – if you play an entire movie like this ramped up to 11, it becomes tedious, not daring. His last film, Bronson, suffered in similar ways – but because it’s main character was so damn interesting, and played brilliantly by Tom Hardy in the role that probably got him noticed by Christopher Nolan, I forgave that film its shortcoming. Here however, I cannot. Valhalla Rising has some interesting things going on in it, and Refn is definitely a talented director to keep your eye on – but the film adds up to absolutely nothing.
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